While we are renovating: TECHTO is already operating
12 June 2019
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We recently announced that we are expanding by offering electronics manufacturing through a joint venture with TKT Electronics called “TECHTO Electronics”. Already now, the partnership is offering manufacturing of small series including box-build in EKTOS’ facilities in the Ukrainian city, Ivano-Frankivsk.

We are well underway with the comprehensive renovation of TECHTO’s 1500 m2 facilities to ensure that they meet the high standards for ESD security, layout, and infrastructure required for modern electronics production.

Facilities in Ivano-Frankivsk under renovation


Training and education at TKT Electronics in Skive

At TKT Electronics in Skive, the new machines are being assembled. Everything is going to be tested in Skive where our employees are going to receive training before the equipment is installed in Ivano-Frankivsk. IPC training of our employees is conducted by certified specialists from HYTEK, to ensure we have a common knowledge base at the Danish and the Ukrainian factory.

The manufacturing equipment has arrived at TKT Electronics in Skive for training purposes


TECHTO Electronics is already underway

At TECHTO Electronics we are currently working on production of two products that EKTOS has previously specified, designed, and developed. One is a control unit for JH Agro’s feeding robot, which among other production requirements should be sealed in order to function in the harsh environment of a stable. In addition, the control units are fitted with wiring and tested to be completely ready for installation when the robot is set up. The second task is production of control units for Akvatur’s boilers, which supply boiling water in a 3-in-1 faucet. The controls are produced, tested, and sealed in plastic housing for the finished product to be rapidly produced the moment Akvatur receives an order.


From specification to delivery to the final customer

EKTOS and TECHTO are great at solving tasks like these. Together we can handle the entire process from specification, development, testing, certification and approval, as well as production, box-build, and lastly shipment to the final customer. TECHTO is particularly good at handling the production phase when it includes manual labor such as hand mounting, wiring, installation, and lacquering.

While the factory in Ukraine is undergoing rapid development, new projects for production in autumn are already well underway.

Find more information about TECHTO Electronics here.

Imens vi renoverer: TECHTO er allerede i sving!

Det er ikke længe side, at vi i EKTOS kunne fortælle, at vi gennem et joint-venture med TKT Electronics nu udvider med elektronikproduktion under navnet TECHTO Electronics. Med det nye partnerskab tilbyder vi allerede nu produktion af små print-serier samt box-build i den ukrainske by Ivano-Frankivsk.

Vi er godt i gang med en omfattende renovering af de 1500 m2, for at sikre, at de lever op til den høje standard for indretning, ESD-sikring og infrastruktur, der kræves til moderne elektronikproduktion.

Renovering af faciliteterne i Ivano-Frankivsk


Træning og uddannelse hos TKT Electronics i Skive

Hos TKT Electronics i Skive er de nye maskiner ved at blive samlet, så alt er gennemprøvet, og vores medarbejdere er uddannet på de maskiner, der efter sommeren stilles op i Ivano-Frankivsk. IPC-uddannelse af vores medarbejdere foregår i Danmark af certificerede specialister fra HYTEK, så vi har et fælles vidensgrundlag på den danske og den ukrainske fabrik.

Produktionsudstyret er ankommet til TKT Electronics i Skive, hvor træning af TECHTOs medarbejdere skal foregå


TECHTO Electronics er allerede i gang

I disse dage arbejdes der i TECHTO på to produktionsopgaver, som EKTOS tidligere har specificeret, designet og udviklet. Den ene er motorstyringer til JH Agros staldrobotter, der blandt andet skal indstøbes for at kunne holde til det svære miljø i en stald. Styringerne skal derudover monteres med ledningsnet og slut-testes, så de er helt klar til montage, når robotten sættes op. Den anden opgave er styringer til Akvaturs kedler, der leverer kogende vand i en 3-i-1 vandhane. Styringerne produceres, testes og forsegles i et plasthus, så det færdige produkt kan produceres på kort tid, når Akvatur modtager en ordre.


Fra specifikation til levering hos slutkunden

Det er netop opgaver som disse, EKTOS og TECHTO sammen er skarpe til at løse. Sammen kan vi håndtere hele processen fra specifikation, udvikling, test og godkendelse samt produktion. TECHTO er særlig god til produktion, der indeholder manuelt arbejde som håndmontage, montage af ledningsnet, indbygning som et færdigt produkt eller lakering og indstøbning.

Imens fabrikken i Ukraine er under rivende udvikling, er der allerede godt gang i nye projekter, der går i produktion i efteråret

Find mere information om TECHTO Electronics her.

SpaceTech’s Visit to TECHTO Electronics’ Ivano-Frankivsk Factory TECHTO Electronics successfully passed the first surveillance audit for QA Certification TRS EKTOS Hosted SPM erfa-gruppe 17, HALT/HASS Meeting in STRUER Read Our Article in Aktuel Elektronik’s Issue 10 – October 2023
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