EKTOS will be at EOT to show you TECHTO
24 April 2019
Se den danske version nedenfor DK ver.

EOT, Electronics of Tomorrow, is a large electronics expo in Herning, Denmark, that runs from May 7th to 9th. EKTOS will be at booth number 9622 to tell about our new manufacturing facilities in Ukraine established with TKT Electronics: TECHTO Electronics.

The new production facilities in Ukraine are established in a collaboration between us and TKT Electronics. Our focus is on agility, quality, and traceability.

The collaboration between EKTOS and TECHTO Electronics makes it possible to offer the entire process from product specification to manufacturing and delivery to the end customer. At EKTOS we stand for specification, development, testing, and regulatory approval, and TECHTO stands for procurement, production, box-build, and delivery to the end customer.


With TECHTO Electronics, we try to change the notion that it is only possible to produce consumer electronics at competitive prices in the Far East. Under the heading “Agile Electronics Manufacturing”, EKTOS and TKT Electronics form a collaboration that creates an alternative. TECHTO Electronics is headquartered in the West Ukrainian city of Ivano-Frankivsk, next to EKTOS’ local branch for print production in prototype series.

Come by and greet. We hope to see you at our booth.

EKTOS er på EOT d. 7.-9. maj for at fortælle om TECHTO

EOT, Electronics of Tomorrow, er en stor, dansk elektronikmesse i Herning, der løber fra den 7.-9. maj. EKTOS er med på stand 9622, hvor vi er klar til at fortælle om det nye joint-venture, elektronikproduktionen TECHTO Electronics.

De nye produktionsfaciliteter i Ukraine er etableret i et samarbejde mellem os og TKT Electronics. Vores fokus er på agilitet, kvalitet og sporbarhed.

Samarbejdet mellem EKTOS og TECHTO Electronics gør det muligt at tilbyde hele processen fra produktspecifikation til fremstilling og levering til slutkunden. I EKTOS står vi for specifikation, udvikling, test og myndighedsgodkendelse, og TECHTO står for indkøb, produktion, box-build og levering til slutkunden.

Med TECHTO Electronics forsøger vi dermed at gøre op med forestillingen om at det kun er muligt at producere forbrugerelektronik til konkurrencedygtige priser i Fjernøsten. Under overskriften ”Agile Electronics Manufactoring” danner EKTOS og TKT Electronics et samarbejde som skaber et alternativ. TECHTO Electronics får hjemsted i den vestukrainske by Ivano-Frankivsk, dør om dør med EKTOS’ lokale filial for printproduktion i prototypeserier.

Kig forbi og hils på. Vi håber at få dit besøg på vores stand.

Thank you for visiting our stand at EOT 2023 TECHTO’s scheduled ERP system upgrade is going according to plan 25% DISCOUNT ON ALL HALT Tests in July and August 2023 EKTOS Development to deliver a new ESP32-C2 based IoT TUYA smart-connected product
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