28 May 2020
Se den danske version nedenfor DK ver.

RoboCluster, DigitalLead, EKTOS, Aalborg University, Valcon, and DTU are hosting a robot webinar on June 24, 2020, at. 9.00 – 10.30.

At this webinar, you will be able to hear leading companies and researchers talk about how to optimize robots focusing on the interface between software, digitization, and state-of-the-art mechanics. The webinar is held in Danish.

You’ll hear about:

  • how to identify and eliminate mechanical or electronic weaknesses in robots
  • how to ensure that the developed products behave predictably all the time
  • how to create the best autonomous systems


Click here to register for the webinar


EKTOS Testing & Reliability Services will talk about the requirements for EMC, radio, and safety, as well as explain some of the challenges faced when testing. EKTOS also provides an introduction to HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Testing), which is a test method that enables the identification and elimination of mechanical or electronic weaknesses in e.g. robots.

Webinar: Optimering af robotters præstation

RoboCluster, DigitalLead, EKTOS, Aalborg Universitet, Valcon og DTU byder på robot-webinar 24. juni 2020, kl. 9-10.30.

På dette webinar vil du kunne høre førende virksomheder og forskere fortælle om, hvordan man får det største udbytte af robotter i et velfungerende samspil mellem software, digitalisering og state-of-the-art mekanik!

Hør blandt andet:

  • hvordan man kan identificere og eliminere mekaniske eller elektroniske svagheder i robotter
  • hvordan man kan sikre, at de udviklede produkter opfører sig forudsigeligt og ens hver gang
  • hvordan man kan skabe de bedste autonome systemer.

Klik her for at tilmelde dig webinaret


EKTOS Testing & Reliability Services vil fortælle om kravene til EMC, radio og sikkerhed samt fortælle om nogle af de udfordringer, vi oplever i forbindelse med dem. Vi vil endvidere give en introduktion til HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Testing), som er en testmetode, der gør det muligt at identificere og eliminere mekaniske eller elektroniske svagheder i f.eks. robotter.

Thank you for visiting our stand at EOT 2023 TECHTO’s scheduled ERP system upgrade is going according to plan 25% DISCOUNT ON ALL HALT Tests in July and August 2023 EKTOS Development to deliver a new ESP32-C2 based IoT TUYA smart-connected product
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