Test your printed circuit boards efficiently and reliably with the PTS by EKTOS
24 November 2016
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EKTOS is known for developing and testing electronic solutions, but now we have also developed a cost-effective tool for the final testing of assembled printed circuit boards – our Production Test System, or PTS. We offer the PTS as an efficient solution both in our own development projects and also for testing circuit boards we have not developed ourselves.

A flexible test rack

Our PTS can test and program a single printed circuit board at a time as well as panels of assembled circuit boards. The PTS is adjusted to test the relevant parameters on a given printed circuit board, which is placed on a needle fixture designed for the specific PCB. Several types of interchangeable needle fixtures function with the standard test rack, which in turn functions with a variety of power supplies and I/O options. PTS can test both single-sided and double-sided printed circuit boards up to a size of 26 x 30 cm. It takes very little time to change between circuit boards of the same type, and it does not take many minutes to set up the PTS for testing a new type of circuit board.

It is possible to program all types of processors and other programmable circuits. The test program is simple and intuitive, and with a monitor, mouse, and keyboard, it’s easy to set up a test session, manage and monitor the progress along the way, as well as generate an overview of the results.

The PTS is born from a lack of an alternative

EKTOS has developed the PTS because we lacked an alternative where price and complexity would be below the major suppliers of test solutions. We have experienced that many circuit boards manufactured in low and medium volume are poorly tested in the production situation or not tested at all, as the projects do not have the opportunity to invest in the large test systems. We hope to close this gap in the market with our system.

We readily provide service and guidance

At short notice and at an attractive price EKTOS offers to develop fixtures and test programs for the specific circuit board to be tested. We are available for guidance in how to use the PTS, so please contact us if you are interested in finding out whether PTS is a good solution for your business.

Test dine print hurtigt og sikkert med PTS fra EKTOS

EKTOS er kendt for at udvikle og teste elektroniske løsninger, men nu har vi også udviklet et kosteffektivt værktøj til sluttest af monterede printkort – vores Production Test System, eller PTS. Vi tilbyder PTS’en både i forbindelse med vores egne udviklingsprojekter og til produktionstest af printkort, vi ikke har udviklet.

Et fleksibelt test-rack

Vores PTS kan teste og programmere et enkelt printkort ad gangen samt paneler af sammensatte printkort. PTS’en indstilles til at teste de relevante parametre på et givet printkort, som placeres på et nålefikstur, der er udviklet til det specifikke PCB. Standard-testracket kan anvendes til flere typer udskiftelige nålefiksturer og har mange forskellige strømforsyninger og I/O-muligheder. PTS’en kan teste både enkelt-sidede og dobbelt-sidede printkort op til en størrelse af 26 x 30 cm. Det tager ganske kort tid at udskifte printkort af samme type i PTS’en, og det tager ikke mange minutter at indstille PTS’en til test af en ny type printkort.

Det er muligt at programmere alle typer af processorer og andre programmerbare kredse. Testprogrammet er simpelt og intuitivt, og med skærm, mus og tastatur er det enkelt at sætte et testforløb op, styre og følge forløbet undervejs samt at skabe overblik over resultaterne.

Det manglende alternativ

EKTOS har udviklet PTS, da vi manglede et alternativ, som pris- og kompleksitetsmæssigt lå under de store leverandører af testløsninger. Vi har erfaret, at mange printkort fremstillet i lav- og mellemvolumen bliver dårligt testet i produktionssituationen eller ikke testet overhovedet, da projekterne ikke har mulighed for at investere i et af de store testsystemer. Vi håber at kunne lukke dette hul i markedet med vores system.

Vi yder hurtig service og vejledning

EKTOS tilbyder med kort varsel og til en attraktiv pris at udvikle fikstur og testprogram, så det passer til netop dét type printkort, der skal testes. Vi stiller os gerne til rådighed med vejledning i brugen af vores PTS, så kontakt os, hvis du er interesseret i at finde ud af, hvorvidt PTS’en er en god løsning for din virksomhed.

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