TECHTO Electronics is proud to announce that plans to upgrade its ERP system in 2023 are going according to plan. The company has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, with increased customer, order, and product complexity. TECHTO’s 2022 four-fold increase in turnover at its factory in Ukraine prompted the need for a more efficient ERP system.
In line with TECHTO’s plan, Igor Ninichuk, who has extensive experience working with ERP systems in various manufacturing enterprises, has been hired as the dedicated project manager. His primary responsibility is to search for a software solution that best fits TECHTO and the entire EKTOS group’s operational needs. He will test and select the new ERP system and ensure a smooth transition from the old to the new system.
The implementation team is committed to ensuring that the transition to the new ERP system is seamless for customers. The only noticeable changes for TECHTO Electronics customers will be improved communication, quicker quotations, and more informative and professional-looking documents, resulting in an overall better customer experience.
As part of the ERP system upgrade, the finance/accounting module will also be changed. This is in line with the worldwide trend of moving away from Russian-origin products. The current Russian-developed accounting software, formerly known as 1C (now renamed to BAS), has a monopoly on the Ukrainian market. However, the development of several potential strong alternatives is currently underway in Ukraine. Big players like Microsoft and SAP offer options based on their standard financial/accounting modules customized by local authorized resellers/developers.
TECHTO Electronics aims to have the new ERP system ready by the end of 2023.
TECHTO Electronics er i gang med at skifte vores ERP-system, projektet skal være afsluttet i 2023 og kører som planlagt. TECHTO har haft stor vækst i det seneste år og har nu langt flere kunder, ordrer og kompleksiteten af de enkelte ordrer er også stigende, hvilket har nødvendiggjort et skifte af ERP-system. Systemet er valgt, så det også kan udvides til andre selskaber i EKTOS gruppen, men for nuværende rulles det nye ERP-system kun ud i TECHTO.
Igor Ninichuk, der har mange års erfaring med implementering af ERP systemer i forskellige produktionsvirksomheder blev ansat sidste år for at lede skiftet til et nyt ERP-system. Igor er igang med de sidste test af forskellige systemer og inden for de næste par uger går implementeringen af et endeligt system igang. Vi forventer at det nye system vil give os mulighed for hurtigere tilbudsberegning og i det hele taget bedre og mere præcis kommunikation omkring ordrer og lagerstatus. Projektgruppen vil sørge for en glat overgang til vores nye system i løbet af efteråret. TECHTO Electronics nye ERP system skal være klar senest i slutningen af 2023.
Som en del af ERP-systemet kommer vi også til at skifte finans-modulet og specielt i Ukraine er det væsentligt for at komme fri af den software af Russisk oprindelse der indtil for et år siden dominerede markedet i Ukraine. I øjeblikket er de store globale spillere som SAP og Microsoft igang med at indkøre lokale varianter af deres ERP-software sammen med opbygning af lokale kontorer til implementering og vedligehold.