Next step: Accreditation of the test laboratory in Struer
25 October 2018
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he boxes are unpacked and the test equipment from Viborg is mounted in our new test lab in Struer, Bang and Olufsen’s former test laboratory, where it has already been used to carry out the first test tasks.

Accreditation in several stages

In addition to carrying out test jobs for our customers, the test engineers in Struer are preparing an upcoming visit from the national accreditation body, DANAK, who will drop by at the new test lab early in November. We have chosen to split the accreditation process into several stages, and we have already completed the first: The validation of our employees’ competencies in Struer was carried out when we had the accreditation of EKTOS TRS in Copenhagen renewed in June this year.

Next stage will be calibration and verification of our EMC equipment in order to be able to offer accredited EMC and radio tests in Struer as soon as possible. With another accredited SAC (Semi Anechoic Chamber) we can offer greater flexibility to our customers across the country.

The final stage of accreditation concerns the equipment for climatic and mechanical tests, which we will start shortly after.


The Semi Anechoic Chamber in EKTOS’ new department in Struer. Photo: Alastair Philip Wiper.

Audio cluster under development

EKTOS new test lab is located in the lower floor of Bang & Olufsen’s former Factory 1. On the ground floor, Sound Hub Denmark is well into the process of transforming the 2,500 square meter factory premises into an inviting office environment and workshops where ideas can be tested and new technologies for sound and acoustics can be developed. The reconstruction is expected to be completed in the beginning of 2019 when the first participants in the special audio accelerator program are scheduled to start.


B&O’s former Factory 1. EKTOS is now located in the basement of the building. Photo: Alastair Philip Wiper.

Open Lab at the beginning of 2019

At the beginning of next year, we invite our partners, customers and other interested parties to visit the new test laboratory in Struer. You will receive an invitation. We are looking forward to showing the new department!

Find out more about which accredited tests we can perform here.

Næste skridt: akkreditering af test-laboratoriet i Struer

Flyttelæsset er pakket ud og testudstyret fra Viborg er monteret i vores nye testlab i Struer, Bang og Olufsens hidtidige testlaboratorium, hvor det allerede er blevet brugt til at udføre de første testopgaver på stedet.

Akkreditering i flere stadier

Ud over at udføre kundernes testopgaver er testingeniørerne i Struer ved at forberede et forestående besøg fra det nationale akkrediteringsorgan, DANAK, som kommer forbi det nye testlab i starten af november. Vi har valgt at dele akkrediteringsprocessen op i flere stadier, og vi har allerede gennemført det første stadie. Valideringen af vores medarbejderes kompetencer i Struer blev nemlig gennemført i forbindelse med fornyelsen af akkrediteringen af EKTOS TRS i København i juni i år.

Næste stadie bliver kalibrering og verifikation af vores EMC-udstyr i starten af november, så vi snarest muligt kan tilbyde akkrediterede EMC- og radiotests i Struer. Med endnu et akkrediteret SAC (Semi Anechoic Chamber) kan vi tilbyde større fleksibilitet til vores kunder i hele landet.

Den sidste stadie af akkrediteringen omhandler udstyret til klimatiske og mekaniske tests, som vi vil gå i gang med snarest efter.

EKTOS’ Semi Anechoic Chamber (SAC) i vores nye afdeling i Struer. Billede: Alastair Philip Wiper.

Lyd-klynge under udvikling

EKTOS’ nye test-lab ligger i underetagen i Bang & Olufsens tidligere Fabrik 1. I stueetagen er Sound Hub Denmark godt i gang med at forvandle det 2.500 kvadratmeter store fabrikslokale til et indbydende kontormiljø og værksteder, hvor idéer kan prøves af og nye teknologier inden for lyd og akustik kan udvikles. Ombygningen forventes at stå klar først i det nye år, hvor de første deltagere i det særlige lyd-accelerator-program starter.


B&O’s hidtidige Fabrik 1. EKTOS hører nu til i bygningens underetage. Billede: Alastair Philip Wiper.

Åbent hus ved indgangen af 2019

I starten af næste år inviterer vi vores samarbejdspartnere, kunder og andre interesserede forbi det nye test-laboratorium i Struer. Du vil modtage en invitation. Vi glæder os til at vise den nye afdeling frem!

Du kan finde mere information om, hvilke akkrediterede tests vi kan udføre her.

15 new employees in TECHTO Electronics in first quarter TRS EKTOS – UPDATED LIST OF ACCREDITED TESTS Free webinar about IOT product development – date 20 October 2022 Product Development Towards IEC61508 SIL 2
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