How do we boost the digitization of the public and private sector in Denmark? A recap from the yearly meeting at DI-Digital 2018
31 May 2018
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How do we boost the digitization of the public and private sector in Denmark?

This was the main question discussed at DI – Digital at yesterday’s yearly meeting. An important component of successful digitization is: trust. Trust between the client and the supplier of the digital/technological solution.

The minister of taxation Karsten Lauritzen emphasized that it’s important to be able to trust the estimate of the supplier – will the project scope stay more or less within the agreed terms? If the original scope changes, which Country Director at Nokia Lise Karstensen pointed out often needs to happen, trust is essential when renegotiating the contract. Finally, CEO at Berlingske Media Anders Krab-Johansen pointed out that trust is built through competent project management – often the client visualizes the final result but not the process leading there – it is the job of the supplier to make the process visible. This was only one of many interesting topics discussed – one which resonates particularly strongly with us at EKTOS.

Check out the AlphaLine case where our clients and and the project manager discuss how trust has been built in their collaboration.

Thank you, DI – Digital for hosting the interesting event!

Hvordan booster man digitaliseringen af den private og offentlige sektor i Danmark? Et kort resumé af DI-Digitals årsmøde 2018

Hvordan booster man digitaliseringen af den private og offentlige sektor i Danmark?

Det var hovedspørgsmålet til DI-Digitals årsmøde i går. En vigtig komponent i en succesfuld digitaliseringprocess er: tillid. Tillid mellem dem, der bestiller en opgave og leverandøren.

Skatteminister Karsten Lauritzen understregede at det er vigtigt at have tillid til, at en opgave kan udføres indenfor den økonomiske ramme – så hellere være pessimistisk når projektet skal estimeres. Hvis de originale rammer for et projekt ændrer sig, hvilket nogle gange er nødvendigt for et succesfuldt projekt, er tillid nødvendig når nye aftaler skal forhandles, fremhæver Country Director hos Nokia Lise Karstensen. Endelig fremhævede koncernchef Anders Krab-Johansen at tillid skabes gennem kompetent projektledelse. Ofte kan bestilleren forestille sig det endelige produkt men ikke processen der fører dertil – det er leverandørens opgave at visualisere processes.

Dette var blot ét af mange interessante emner, som blev diskuteret – dog ét, som vi kan relatere stærkt til.

Se case-historien om AlphaLine som et eksempel på, hvordan vores kunde og projektleder har arbejdet med at styrke tilliden i deres samarbejde.

Tak til DI-Digital for det spændende arrangement!

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