EKTOS will be hosting a popular workshop with the internationally acknowledged ACB
21 February 2019
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EKTOS is proud to invite you and your colleagues to ACB’s (American Certification Body) workshop on the 6th and 7th of March in our test laboratory in Sydhavn Copenhagen (close to the city center). The workshop is for anyone involved in the certification and test of radio equipment or devices with radio modules.

Read more about the event and sign you and your colleagues up at the link below:


The hosts at the workshop will be the two acknowledged senior engineers Michael Derby and Pieter Robben from ACB Europe. They both have over 25 years of experience within the test- and certification industry. Michael Derby is also the manager of ACB Europe.

ACB has its finger on the pulse

The American ACB, which is one of the world’s most active wireless certification companies, is one of the authorized organs, with whom EKTOS TRS collaborates during the test rapports certification. They have an insight into the most relevant topics within the industry today for example integration of radio modules. They also know how to avoid mistakes when going through the approval of wireless equipment.

Throughout the workshop, the authorized approval of the wireless equipment will be cleared and there will be given specific advice on how to get products out on the market as quickly and efficiently as possible.

In-depth Q&A

ACB’s workshops are well-known for their granted Q&A where a solution is found to the participants’ questions. The participants also receive guidance on how they can answer advanced questions. These sessions, where some of the industry’s most known experts are mentors, are what makes ACB’s workshops unique. The mentoring given is a unique form of training in topics that are often misunderstood.

The workshop offers knowledge that will prepare you for your future career opportunities. It can also save you and your business time and money when it comes to test and certification. The workshop will be able to benefit engineers, program leaders, and test technicians who work with EMC, telecommunication, and radio tests.

Many leading test businesses have participated in ACB’s workshop in the past and the popularity is increasing. We therefore recommend participating in the workshop for your own sake but also your company’s.

The date of the workshop event will be on the 6th and 7th of March at:

EKTOS Testing & Reliability Services

A.C. Meyers Vaenge 15, 2450 Copenhagen SV

Read more about ACB here: https://acbcert.com/

EKTOS lægger hus til populær workshop med internationalt anerkendte ACB

EKTOS er stolte af at kunne invitere dig og dine kolleger til ACB’s (American Certification Body) workshop d. 6. og 7. marts i vores testlaboratorium i Københavns Sydhavn. Workshoppen er for alle, som er involveret i certificering og test af radioudstyr eller enheder med radiomoduler.

Læs mere om begivenheden og tilmeld dig og dine kolleger her:


Værterne for workshoppen vil være de anerkendte senioringeniører Michael Derby og Pieter Robben fra ACB Europe. Begge har over 25 års erfaring indenfor test- og certificeringsbranchen og Michael Derby er direktør i ACB Europe.

ACB har fingeren på pulsen

Amerikanske ACB er et af verdens mest aktive firmaer indenfor trådløs certificering og et af de bemyndigede organer, som EKTOS TRS arbejder sammen med, når en testrapport skal bruges til certificering. De har indsigt i de emner, som er mest relevante for industrien i dag, som eksempelvis integration af radiomoduler, og de ved, hvad der skal til for at undgå fejl ved godkendelse af trådløst udstyr. I løbet af workshoppen vil den autoriserede godkendelse af trådløst udstyr blive udredt, og der vil blive givet specifikke råd til, hvordan man får produkter ud på markedet så hurtigt og effektivt som muligt.

Dybdegående Q&A

ACBs workshops er kendte for deres meget givende spørgsmål- og svarsessioner, hvor deltagernes spørgsmål bliver taget op for at finde en løsning. Ligeledes vejledes deltagere i, hvordan de selv kan blive i stand til at besvare avancerede spørgsmål. Netop disse sessioner, hvor nogle af industriens mest kendte eksperter agerer vejledere, er hvad der gør ACBs workshops unikke. Det foregår som en unik træning i nogle af de emner indenfor feltet, der oftest misforstås. Den viden, som workshoppen udbyder, vil udover at ruste dig og dine karrieremuligheder også kunne bruges til at spare dig og dit firma tid og penge, når det kommer til test og certificering.

Workshoppen vil kunne gavne alle ingeniører, projektledere og testingeniører i arbejdet med EMC, telekommunikation og radiotest.

Tidligere har mange ledende testfirmaer deltaget i ACBs workshops, og det er ingen hemmelighed at populariteten er stigende. Vi kan derfor på det varmeste anbefale at deltage i workshoppen både for din og dit firmas skyld.

Workshoppen afholdes d. 6 og 7. marts her:

EKTOS Testing & Reliability Services

A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 København SV

Læs mere om ACB her: https://acbcert.com/

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