EKTOS takes over former Bang & Olufsen test lab in Struer
11 September 2018
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EKTOS Testing & Reliability Services A/S – “EKTOS TRS“, owned by the electronics development company EKTOS A/S in Viborg, has made an agreement with Sound Hub Denmark A/S in Struer to take over Bang & Olufsen’s former test lab. With yet another accredited test lab in the Group, EKTOS will be able to offer a higher degree of flexibility in the testing of electronic products and offer an attractive alternative for Jutland-based electronic companies.

More options in Jutland for accredited testing

The new test lab is expected to be part of the current accreditation of EKTOS TRS in the near future. EMC tests and advanced HALT tests will be in focus as key services are offered.

”At the moment there only is a very small number of accredited test labs in Jutland. With our facilities, we can offer EMC tests, mechanical tests, and climatic tests to electronics companies in the region. It also increases our flexibility for our existing customers as we can carry out simultaneous tests in two different locations, explains Kennet Palm, Managing Director of EKTOS TRS.

HALT- chamber in the new Struer testing department. Photo: Alastair Philip Wiper.

Cooperation with Sound Hub Denmark

EKTOS will join forces with Sound Hub Denmark in strengthening the innovation environment in the international cluster of experts in sound design and technology.

”We look forward to cooperating with the innovative and creative companies in Sound Hub Denmark. If they need to carry out a test, they can just come to EKTOS and in this way we can help them reach their targets faster. Also we can use their knowledge in sound and acoustics, something which will strengthen our competences both in terms of offering development and test services,” explains Kennet Palm.

Peter Petersen, director at Sound Hub Denmark. Photo: Alastair Philip Wiper.

Niels Martin Jørgensen, Group Manager of EKTOS, adds, ”We have had great experiences working with start-ups and smaller companies. As the EKTOS group works in all phases of the development of electronics – from specifications, development, prototyping, testing, and certification, we can contribute with guidance and services throughout the entire process. We think it is really interesting to work with start-ups as they constantly challenge the status quo and apply the latest technologies.”

CEO of Sound Hub Denmark, Peter Petersen, comments, ”EKTOS TRS takes over the part of the former Bang & Olufsen lab that does not deal with sound and acoustics specifically. In the labs, they carry out certified EMC tests, mechanical and climatic tests, and requirements that have to be met by all products. The agreement means that Sound Hub Denmark can focus entirely on Sound. EKTOS TRS will not just run the labs, but also upgrade and develop them. Our users will benefit from the immediate access to these laboratories. However, EKTOS is more than testing – we also get a competent development partner in the house, which I’m sure our users will benefit from.”

Climatic testing in the new Struer testing department. Photo: Alastair Philip Wiper.

EKTOS in growth

Since 2007 EKTOS A/S has developed and tested electronic control solutions for a number of different applications on a national and international scale. EKTOS has its headquarters in Viborg with development centers and a prototyping factory in Ukraine. In May 2017, EKTOS took over an existing DANAK-accredited test lab in Copenhagen – EKTOS TRS.

”The takeover of EKTOS TRS A/S in Copenhagen in 2017 has been a tremendous success and has encouraged us to intensify and develop our activities in the testing area. The incorporation of the Struer lab in EKTOS TRS is a natural and welcome development of our company,” states Niels Martin Jørgensen Chairman of EKTOS A/S and EKTOS TRS A/S, and emphasizes that “the negotiations and the hand-over with Sound Hub Denmark and Bang & Olufsen have been smooth and serve as an inspiration.”

Contact us and learn more about your new opportunities at EKTOS

You are very welcome to contact us for a non-binding talk about the new opportunities that EKTOS can now offer you with the Struer testing laboratory.

EKTOS A/S: Niels Martin Jørgensen, +45 5360 3122, nmj@ektos.net
EKTOS TRS A/S: Kennet Palm, +45 2614 7543, kpa@ektos.net

EKTOS overtager B&O's tidligere testfaciliteter i Struer

EKTOS Testing & Reliability Services A/S (EKTOS TRS) har dags dato indgået aftale med Sound Hub Denmark A/S om overtagelse af Bang & Olufsens hidtidige testlaboratorium i Struer.

Flere valgmuligheder i Jylland indenfor akkrediterede tests

Det nye testlaboratorium forventes at blive omfattet af EKTOS TRS’ nuværende akkreditering snarest muligt, hvilket vil gøre EKTOS i stand til at tilbyde et attraktivt alternativ for jyske elektronikvirksomheder.

EMC-tests, mekaniske tests, klima-tests og særligt avancerede HALT-tests vil være i fokus som centrale serviceydelser.

Med et nyt, akkrediteret testlaboratorium i EKTOS-koncernen kan EKTOS tilbyde en endnu større fleksibilitet til kunderne, da de samme testopgaver nu kan løses to steder.

Samarbejde med Sound Hub Denmark

Sammen med Sound Hub Denmark vil EKTOS være med til at styrke innovationsmiljøet i den internationale klynge af eksperter indenfor lydteknologi:

”Vi ser frem til at arbejde sammen med de innovative og nyskabende virksomheder hos Sound Hub Denmark. Hvis de har brug for en hurtig test, kan de bare tage et smut forbi hos EKTOS, og på den måde kan vi hjælpe dem til at nå i mål hurtigere. Samtidig kan vi trække på deres viden indenfor lyd, hvilket vil styrke vores kompetencer indenfor området bådet i forhold til vores udviklingsydelser og test-ydelser.” fortæller Kennet Palm, adm. direktør i EKTOS TRS A/S.

Peter Petersen, adm. direktør i Sound Hub Denmark, udtaler: ”EKTOS TRS overtager den del af Bang & Olufsens hidtidige laboratorier, som ikke specifikt har med lyd at gøre. I laboratorierne gennemføres certificerede EMC-, mekanik- og klimatest for krav, som alle produkter skal leve op til. Aftalen giver Sound Hub Denmark mulighed for at koncentrere sig om lyd. EKTOS TRS vil ikke blot drive laboratorierne, men også opgradere og videreudvikle dem. Det gavner også vores brugere, der kan få testet i laboratorierne.” Peter Petersen fortsætter: ”EKTOS er mere end test, vi får også en kompetent udviklingspartner i huset, som jeg er sikker på, vores brugere også får glæde af.”

Niels Martin Jørgensen, koncerndirektør i EKTOS, tilføjer: ”Vi har god erfaring med at arbejde sammen med start-ups og mindre virksomheder. Idet EKTOS koncernen opererer indenfor alle faserne i udviklingen af elektronik fra udarbejdelse af specifikationer over udviklingsarbejdet til prototypeproduktion, test og certificering, kan vi bistå med vejledning og serviceydelser gennem hele processen. Vi synes, at det er enormt spændende at arbejde sammen med start-ups, da de udfordrer status quo og gerne bruger de nyeste teknologier.”

EKTOS i udvikling

EKTOS A/S har siden 2007 udviklet og testet elektroniske styringsløsninger i ind- og udland til en lang række anvendelser. EKTOS A/S har hovedkontor i Viborg og har udviklingscentre og prototypefabrik i Ukraine. I maj 2017 overtog og videreførte virksomheden et eksisterende, DANAK-akkrediteret testlaboratorium i Københavns Sydhavn, det nuværende EKTOS TRS.

”Overtagelsen af EKTOS TRS A/S i København i 2017 har været en ubetinget succes og har ansporet os til at intensivere og udvide vores aktiviteter på testområdet. Indlemmelsen af Struer-laboratoriet i EKTOS TRS er en naturlig og velkommen udvikling af vores virksomhed”, siger Niels Martin Jørgensen, bestyrelsesformand i EKTOS A/S og EKTOS TRS A/S, og betoner, at forhandlings- og overdragelsessamarbejdet med Sound Hub Denmark og Bang & Olufsen har været problemfrit og forbilledligt.

Kontakt EKTOS og hør mere om dine nye muligheder

Du er velkommen til at kontakte os for en uforpligtende snak om, hvilke nye muligheder EKTOS kan tilbyde dig med det ny laboratorium.
EKTOS A/S: Niels Martin Jørgensen, 5360 3122, nmj@ektos.net
EKTOS TRS A/S: Kennet Palm, 2614 7543, kpa@ektos.net

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