We would like to say a big thank you to everyone that visited our company stand at EOT – 2023. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to talk about our electronics design, development, testing, and manufacturing capabilities with you and the other attendees.
During the event, we were thrilled to present a diverse range of products that we have helped to bring to market. We hope that our display was informative and provided you with a glimpse into the innovative solutions that we can deliver for customers of all sizes across industries.
We also want to thank those that participated in our raffle draw. By now, the winners would have received their prizes.
If you have further questions or require additional information, kindly reach out to us at info@ektos.dk or call +45 7070 1499. Our team is always available to discuss your needs and explore how we can meet them.
We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you to bring your electronics ideas to implementation in the nearest future. Once again, thank you for your interest in EKTOS.
Tak til alle besøgende på vores stand på EOT 2023 i Herning i starten af maj, hvor vi havde mange, gode samtaler om udvikling, test og fremstilling af elektronik i EKTOS.
Vi havde fornøjelsen af at præsentere et lille men bredt udsnit af de produkter, vi har hjulpet vores kunder med at få ud på markedet. Vi håber, at du fandt inspiration og fik et godt indtryk af de løsninger, vi kan levere til kunder i forskellige branhcer.
Også en tak til deltagerne i vores konkurrence om udlodning af ukrainske vodka. Vinderne har fået direkte besked.
Hvis du har spørgsmål eller ønsker at vide mere om EKTOS, kontakt os da på info@ektos.dk eller 7070 1499. Vores team sidder klar til at drøfte behov og løsninger.
Vi ser frem til at betjene såvel eksisterende som nye kunder.