Let’s meet up at the electronics expo Evertiq in Lund, November 25!
5 November 2021
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We are excited about the opportunity to exhibit at this year’s electronics expo Evertiq Lund on November 25th. We are looking forward to visiting Skåne again, to greet old and new friends, and to tell them about what’s going on in our testing laboratory these days. We hope to meet you there!

A lot has happened in the world and our lab since the last Evertiq event in 2019.

  • We have completed the relocation of our lab in Copenhagen from Sydhavnen to Avedøre Holme. Our lab is more easily accessible for people who drive in from both the eastern and western shores of Sjælland. Another benefit of the new location is that we can handle larger products at the larger facilities.
  • We can help with CE marking and FCC certification. The list of standards within which we are accredited to test is growing, it includes alarms (EN 50130), EMC for radio (ETSI EN 301 489-X), radio (EN 300 328, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.), radio (EN 300 220, short-range devices), marine (IEC/EN 60945, IACL E10, DNV-GL, etc.), and medical equipment (EN 60601-1-2). The full list of standards is available here.
  • We expect to obtain accreditation for testing according to the VCCI certification before the end of this year. VCCI covers only EMC requirements.


  • Our collaboration with UL as their EMC test partner for Denmark and Sweden is flourishing. This summer we had a webinar with UL about CE and UKCA marking requirements for wireless products. You can watch a recording of the webinar here.
  • The EMS, TECHTO Electronics, is now fully owned by the EKTOS Group which means that we, together, can handle everything from specification, over-prototyping, testinging, and approvals, to production and shipment to the end user.

Let’s meet in person and catch up at the Evertiq Expo in Medicon Village in Lund

By our booth no. 84 you can find Niels Martin Jørgensen and Johan Palmqvist.


Register for the event

The expo is free for visitors but you need to sign up in advance. Sign up here.


We hope to see you!

Lad os mødes på Evertiq-messen i Lund den 25. november!

Vi er glade for muligheden for at udstille på dette års Evertiq-messe i Lund den 25. november. Vi glæder os til at besøge Skåne igen, til at mødes med gamle og nye venner, og til at fortælle om, hvad der er sket i vores test-laboratorier siden sidst. Vi håber, at vi ses der!

Der er jo sket meget ude i verden siden den senester Evertiq-messe i 2019, og der er også sket en del hos os:

  • Vi har afsluttet flytningen af vores laboratorium i København fra Sydhavnen til Avedøre Holme i Hvidovre. Vores laboratorium er nu endnu mere tilgængeligt, hvad end man kommer fra øst eller vest. En anden fordel ved den nye placering er, at vi kan håndtere større produkter, da der er mere plads.
  • Vi kan hjælpe med CE-mærkning og FCC-certificering. Listen over standarder, som vi er akkrediteret til at teste indenfor, vokser hele tiden. Den inkluderer bl.a.: alarmer (EN 50130), EMC til radio (ETSI EN 301 489-X), radio (EN 300 328, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth osv.), radio (EN 300 220, short range devices), marine (IEC/EN 60945, IACL E10, DNV-GL osv.) og medicinsk udstyr (EN 60601-1-2). Se hele listen over standarder her.
  • Vi forventer at opnå akkreditering til test i henhold til VCCI-certificeringen inden udgangen af dette år. VCCI dækker kun EMC-krav.
  • Vores samarbejde med UL, hvor vi som test-partner udfører deres EMC-tests i Danmark og Sverige, kører super fint. I sommeren afholdte vi et webinar sammen med UL om kravene til trådløst udstyr til CE- og UKCA-mærkning. Du kan se en optagelse af webinaret her.
  • Produktionsenheden TECHTO Electronics er nu fuldt ejet af EKTOS, hvilket betyder at vi sammen i EKTOS-gruppen kan håndtere hele processen fra specifikation, udvikling, test og myndighedsgodkendelse til produktion.


Lad os mødes på Evertiq Expo i Medicon Village i Lund.

Ved vores stand nr. 84 kan du finde Niels Martin Jørgensen og Johan Palmqvist.

Tilmeld dig arrangementet

Udstillingen er gratis for besøgende, men man skal tilmelde sig på forhånd. Tilmeld dig her.

Vi håber, at vi ses!

Thank you for visiting our stand at EOT 2023 TECHTO’s scheduled ERP system upgrade is going according to plan 25% DISCOUNT ON ALL HALT Tests in July and August 2023 EKTOS Development to deliver a new ESP32-C2 based IoT TUYA smart-connected product
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