Sharing (facilities) is caring
21 May 2020
Se den danske version nedenfor DK ver.

In the very same building in Struer where EKTOS’ test facilities are located, Sound Hub Denmark is housing the world’s first international sound technology innovation environment. They invite startups, SME’s, and corporations to come and share knowledge, to grow, and to thrive.

With close partnership between EKTOS and Sound Hub Denmark accredited testing is only a few steps away from where the new products are developed.

EKTOS’ Semi Anechoic Chamber for testing of electromagnetic compatibility

It is very exciting for EKTOS to be a part of Sound Hub Denmark’s environment! Maybe you’ll find it interesting as well? In Sound Hub Denmark’s new brochure, you can read more about the Sound technology and innovation growth hub and how EKTOS helps with improving the quality of new products with i.e. HALT-, EMC-, and Climatic tests.

Find Sound Hub Denmark’s brochure here.

Innovation og test af nye produkter i Struer

I den samme bygning i Struer, hvor EKTOS’ testfaciliteter er placeret, huser Sound Hub Denmark verdens første internationale lydteknologiske innovationsmiljø. De inviterer startups, SMV’er og større, etablerede virksomheder til at komme og dele viden og vokse.

Med det tætte samarbejde mellem EKTOS og Sound Hub Denmark er akkrediteret test kun få skridt væk fra der, hvor de nye produkter udvikles.

EKTOS’ “Semi Anechoic Chamber” til måling af elektromagnetisk ud- og indstråling

Det er meget spændende for EKTOS at være en del af Sound Hub Denmarks miljø! Måske kunne det også være interessant for dig at være en del af? I Sound Hub Denmarks nye brochure kan du læse mere om, havd de laver og om hvordan EKTOS hjælper med at forbedre kvaliteten af nye produkter med f.eks. HALT-, EMC- og klimatiske tests.

Find Sound Hub Denmarks brochure her.

15 new employees in TECHTO Electronics in first quarter TRS EKTOS – UPDATED LIST OF ACCREDITED TESTS Free webinar about IOT product development – date 20 October 2022 Product Development Towards IEC61508 SIL 2
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